What Is MEM?
The Mace Energy Method (MEM) is a fast and effective method which has been proven to eliminate anything about your personality or emotional makeup that does not feel good to you and you would like to change.
This Method works on all age groups, including children, and can be used to effectively do away with the effects left behind from the upsets we experience in life which include — trauma, depression, anxiety, anger, abuse, loss, stress, phobias, addictions, relationship issues, health issues and body problems and much more.
A major discovery of the Mace Energy Method is that, it is not what has happened to you in the past (upsets) that is important. It is ONLY the effects these things have left on you in the form of negative feelings, emotions and attitudes, that need to be deleted, for you to be back in charge of your life and dreams.
There is an important part that needs stating; in all cases, the client (you) must genuinely want to change. Otherwise, it is impossible to create change for any one who does not actually want it.
Clients do not have to talk about or discuss their lives and definitely do not have to talk about any distressing experiences that are adversely affecting them, in fact are discouraged from doing so.
All that is necessary is for clients to indicate any unwanted feeling, or any unwanted aspect of life and then the session process does the rest, guided of course by the MEM Practitioner. After a session has been concluded, the MEM Practitioner will know practically nothing of the client’s history or personal life. Also, almost unbelievable, is that many clients only need a couple of sessions with a MEM Practitioner to eliminate their emotional challenges.
This is not a process of continuous and consecutive sessions.
Talking about our problems, going over them again and again can often make things worse and has no therapeutic value.
Edward De Bono was correct when he said:
"Logic never changes any emotion or feeling. You can spend hours with logical argument trying to change some feeling or prejudice; you are not likely to succeed!"
Applying this to your life.
The Mace Energy Method’s mission statement is:
Which means that we can apply this to your job, business, relationships, and more to help you make the changes to create the results you desire.
A fundamental truth uncovered by the research is that everything that a person experiences is their own creation and it follows that if they created it (even unknowingly) then they can also dis-create it.
This is expanded upon by the creator John Mace:
"Feelings, emotions and attitudes are totally subjective. No one has a hypodermic syringe full of emotions or feelings, pleasant or unpleasant, with which to inject others. Therefore every emotion a person experiences is self-created, and it follows that he or she is the only one who can dis-create it. There is however, a positive side to this. If people are totally responsible for creating their own feelings, they are also capable of eliminating any unwanted feelings provided they know how to do so. The Mace Energy Method provides this “know how”.
To see if an MEM session could be right for you. Visit here to get in contact.